How to clear acne fast

« ...For the first few years of suffering from acne I spent lots of money on these acne cleansers, and would hope the next product would be "the one". Little did I know I was being taking advantage of by greedy companies....
...When using topical treatments, always be on the lookout for any side effects like dryness of the skin or further irritations. If those conditions occur, it is best stop the treatment immediately and seeks out alternative way....»
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«...Bacteria grows naturally on your skin, and normally do no harm as long as they are not of a dangerous kind. The bacterium responsible for acne is known as Propionibacterium acnes, and produce substances that initiate your immune system. They can infect the sebum and skin cell plug in a pore or follicle, cause inflammation and the formation of pus through the action of your immune response....»
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tags: can protein shakes cause acne, acne hormonal, organic acne care products