Eating fruits and vegetables cleared my acne

« ...Acne herbal medicine causes a biological effect in the body that is why it is an effective anti-acne treatment. It is filled with phytochemicals that may cause the organs either to slow down or to speed up. This of course depends on the component of the acne herbal medicine. Moreover, this type of natural medicine suppresses the body from making male hormones called androgens. High level of androgen in the body causes the oil ducts to produce more oil, causing blackhead and pimple breakout. These herbs kill the fungal infections and bacteria that contaminate the blood. It also aids the liver in filtering hormones and congestion present in the blood....
...Each cloth contains tens of thousands of wedge shaped filaments and a core of micro storage compartments that lift oil and dirt away from the skin, trapping it like a magnet, thus preventing it from being simply spread over your skin surface as with conventional cotton type facial fabrics. The result is a superior exfoliating and deep cleansing....»
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«...Treating acne does not have to be expensive and confusing. The best treatment is to get yourself a good, reputable acne skin care system, follow the diet and lifestyle rules and you will have clear skin. Guaranteed....»
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