Best treatments for cystic acne

« ...Medical studies this week at numerous universities and colleges across Britain and the United States point to people with acne exercising less than others with out the skin condition. I went through a similar stage to this when i had it so I have came up with my own conclusions on why this is true....
...It is possible that your work environment can cause acne. Such environments include manufacturing or construction facilities where you may come in contact with chemicals or polluting agents that cling to the skin....»
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«...The reason why you should avoid vegetable oil is because it causes your hormones to become very imbalanced, resulting in daily breakouts. I was actually eating vegetable oil everyday in large amounts, and I didn't know that it was the main reason I got acne, until recently......»
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tags: hormonal causes of acne treatment, acne mederma removing scar treatment, salicylic acid and acne