Natural skin care for acne

« ...It should therefore be logical to address the problem on both fronts in other words the oil and the bacteria. Gentle cleaning of the skin is important to remove some of the oil and some of the bacteria. Tea tree oil is a good substance to use to address both problems. If you decide to use a skin cleaning substance it is very important that you ensure it is not going to dry or irritate your skin as that would just make things worse....
...When using topical treatments, always be on the lookout for any side effects like dryness of the skin or further irritations. If those conditions occur, it is best stop the treatment immediately and seeks out alternative way....»
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«...If your baby has severe acne, there are over the counter products available. It is advised to speak with your doctor or medical professional when using any product for your newborn. Some rather safe products you can use are creams such as hydrocortisone. Ionic silver is the safest treatment available because it not only kills bacteria, but it also promotes healthy skin and reduces irritation. ...»
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tags: does crema de caracol really work for acne yahoo, what people say about acne dermalogica products, home made acne scar treatment