How do i know if i have hormonal acne

« ...Simply put, acne is a term that describes what happens when the pores get clogged. While most people are concerned about acne on their face, it can also be found on the neck, chest, shoulders and the back. The different types of acne include pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, cysts and nodules....
... The second way that you can get rid of acne is by ensuring that you consume ten to twelve glasses of water a day. Each of these glasses should be at least eight ounces. I know this seems like quite a bit of water, but it is a key element when it comes to purifying the body on the whole. The more water that moves through your body, the more clean and pure the inside of the body will be. ...»
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«...Sebum is an oil naturally produced by your skin. This oil helps to keep your skin supple and healthy. It's the combination of this oil and the bacteria that causes acne and pimples. The blockage is caused when your skin's pores close, and this traps the bacteria with the oil. The pain is caused by the pressure that builds up under the skin....»
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tags: sulfur acne lotion, clearasil ultra acne clearing gel wash, salicylic acid acne treatment