Adult acne female nursing mother

« ...Tanning or spending too much time in the sun will also dry your skin out (think of a peeling sunburn!) which might also help dry out your acne - but it won't get rid of it! Aside from not being a good treatment for acne, tanning also damages your skin and may cause you even worse problems down the road....
...Topical acne medication is the best choice for treating mild acne. In this acne treatment, the prescribed medication is applied on the patient's skin; it kills excess skin bacteria and prevents the plugging of hair follicles. The most popular topical medications include azelaic acid, retinoids, benzoyl peroxides, topical acne antibiotics and combination topical products. Adapalene, Tazarotine and Tretinoin are the retinoids most often prescribed. Oral contraceptives are prescribed as a combination of norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol, and are specially meant for women. Oral antibiotics are prescribed for treating more severe acne and sometimes they are used in combination with acne treatments. Isotretinoin is often prescribed by dermatologists in case the acne is severe and is not responding to other treatments....»
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«...There are lots of alternative treatments that are available for acne that you need not go to the doctor's office. Actually the drugs variety of simple techniques ranging from masks to scrubs to astringents....»
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tags: reducing acne scars and redness, how to remove acne scars home, birth control use for acne