Can i use regular shower soap with acne

« ...You can kind of see from this how if the excess oil were not one of the contributing factors to your acne problem, these treatments would all be useless. Not only that, but the damage caused to the skin as a side effect of their use could be a contributing factor to acne too. This is why many people have begun trying out natural remedies that deal with contributing factors to acne without causing any additional problems....
...Acne breakouts are something that no one wants to have happen to them at anytime. Although there are plenty of pharmaceutical acne solutions on the market that work great many people still prefer the natural approach to caring for their skin. The reasons for using natural products is that they do not contain harsh ingredients that can irritate the skin or cause potential side effects. There are many effective home acne remedies you can use to help treat your skin, many of which you probably have in your house right now!...»
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«...My last tip for today is Washing your sheets and pillow cases! Many people don't change out their sheets which is really gross. When you sleep for seven or eight hours the cotton materials your sheets are made out of absorb the oils and dirt from the air and your body. Eventually your bed could become the breeding ground for the evil acne monster, because all the dirt and oil in your sheets is getting into and clogging your pores. Just wash the evil acne monster out of your sheets and your pillow cases every other day or so and you should be fine....»
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tags: calamine lotion to treat acne, pictures of people that have bad acne scars, top acne products for teens