Acne scar peel

« ...Fluctuating hormones can be the problem. Doctors do not really understand what causes acne; they do know that increased androgens are a factor. During menopause, you do experience a change in the estrogen-androgen ratio. In studies, women with acne have higher levels of androgens than women with no acne. Likewise, women who had acne as teens often get it again at midlife....
...Corticosteroids is used to cure red pimples. This medicine is very powerful. Access of corticosteroids will leads to many side affects. But corticosteroids cure very fast....»
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«...Most People live through waves of acne with the mistaken belief that acne is just a phase they are going through . If left untreated, acne can stay till your late 20s and early 30s. That is not as bad as the risk of having those acne become acne scars – permanent acne that could take a decade to go away....»
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tags: back acne during pregnancy, dermatology acne scars, getting rid of acne cysts