...The company marketing the product has likely spent thousands, if not millions testing the best use of their product to help you gain acne control. If you decide that you want to use more than is directed because you think it will work faster, you are merely wasting your money. By using the product once a day instead of twice a day, as directed, you are guaranteeing that the product won't work as well and you will be unhappy. Bottom line; follow label instructions for maximum effectiveness....»
Read More: how-remove-acne.blogspot.com
«...The blue light which kills the bacteria comes from LEDs. LEDs are light emitting diodes. These are solid state devices which have a very long life span and are immune to vibration and shock (dropping the device, for example). They are different from regular light bulbs in that they can be made very small and energy efficient and they are made to emit light in a narrow band which allows them to effectively treat the acne without damaging your skin....»
Full Text: acne-types.blogspot.com
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